Lent is about embarking on journey toward the risen Christ. The period is marked by fasting and meditation with intentional spiritual focus. A period of preparation and reflection.
As YASC missionaries spread all over the world, we're meditating about our journeys toward the risen Christ throughout our one or two year-long missions. After thoughtful discernment and prayer, we all came to the conclusion that this was the next most faithful step in our own spiritual journeys. Now spread across 14 countries in the Anglican Communion- Panama, El Salvador, Tanzania, Japan, Haiti, China, South Africa, Spain, Brazil, the Philippines, Honduras, South Korea, Italy, and Cuba - we are all using our God given gifts to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ in many ways - teaching, fighting for human rights, ministering to seafarers, protecting domestic workers, assisting in economic development projects, advocating for peace, and more.
The Presiding Bishop said in her 2014 Lent Message, "Acting in solidarity with those who go hungry is a piece of what it means to be a Christian. To be a follower of Jesus is to seek the healing of the whole world. And Lent is a time when we practice those disciplines as acts of solidarity with the broken and hungry and ill and despised parts of the world."
By living out our Baptismal Covenant - to proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ, to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as ourselves, and to strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being - as missionaries we are feeding those we serve who are starving for Good News, love, peace and justice throughout the world.
As a time of reflection, we thought as a group we would share our own meditations on the Lenten readings for 2014. The majority of us are at our halfway mark, six months. While there is still much to learn and see, we've all had amazing, eye-opening, life changing experiences which we can hopefully relate to the message of lent and share with you all in this space.